Save energy: These nine tips will save you money!

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The energy crisis is taking its toll on our wallets. These tips will show you how to reduce your energy consumption.

It doesn’t take much to reduce your energy consumption. Extreme energy consumption can be eliminated in just a few simple steps. And don’t worry: You don’t have to restrict your usage behavior to any great extent. Although in times of crisis, it probably doesn’t hurt to consider whether you need two refrigerators and three loads of laundry a week. So what can you do to use less electricity?

Use distribution plugs
To avoid charging cables or small electronic devices drawing power even when not in use, it is advisable to use a distribution plug with a switch. This way, all devices can be disconnected from the power supply with just one click. According to “Electricians and Electronics Technicians,” you should never plug in several distribution plugs in a row, that is, connect them, as this could add up the power and easily overload them.

Use a kettle
Instead of heating water in a pot on the stove, it is more advisable to use a kettle, according to “MyHomebook.” This saves time and, above all, money since the operation of the electric stove consumes much more electricity. Furthermore, it makes sense to heat only as much water as you need, so you don’t have to dump the rest of the water.

Fully loading the dishwasher
According to the electricity provider “Verbund,” it is worthwhile to use a dishwasher instead of hand washing. However, the dishwasher should be fully loaded and ideally run on an eco-program.

Refrigerator rules
It is entirely sufficient not to turn the refrigerator into an icebox. Even at seven degrees Celsius, food is sufficiently chilled to keep it fresh, as “Verbund” recommends. Perhaps this can be improved in the temperature setting. In addition, leave the refrigerator door open only as briefly as possible and only open it as often as necessary.

Reconsider lighting
Leave the light on when you’re just scurrying to the supermarket? Please don’t! It’s best to turn off any light you don’t need immediately. Otherwise, the electricity meter keeps running, and those little sums add up quickly. So better adjust the lighting concept in your own home – indirect lighting is not only trendy but also cozy and saves costs.

Take shorter showers
Yes, it doesn’t sound kind. However, it is adequate to reduce shower time, as “Obi Magazin” reveals. Most of the time, you just get lost in existential thoughts in the shower, forgetting that you were supposed to be washing yourself. So take a more attentive shower next time and you’ll save money, too.

Fix a dripping faucet
As with every minute of unused light, drops drip from a leaky faucet for no great reason add up. “Obi Magazin” advises fixing this as soon as possible to keep water bills to a minimum.

Use clothes dryer only selectively.
Of course, a clothes dryer is an absolute luxury that may even make life a little more livable. But do you need it in high summer? Above 20 degrees Celsius, you can safely suspend the use of a clothes dryer and let the laundry dry outside.

Such devices consume less electricity when their lint filter is empty. Therefore, most devices are advised to clean the sieve after each cycle. Some dryers have automatic lint compression, so lint needs to be removed less often. How often cleaning is necessary is stated in the operating instructions for these appliances, or an indicator light shows the need. It is advised to take action if the drying time is noticeably longer.

Turn off water in between
Do you brush your teeth with the tap running? Or do you shampoo your hair while the shower is on? Next time maybe just turn it off and reduce water consumption so easily. This will certainly not diminish your quality of life.

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